Seoul, Korea: October 2015

Seoul, Korea

The WAO World Allergy Training School (WATS) in Seoul, Korea was a huge success. In conjunction with XXIV WAC 2015, for which more than 2,000 international allergists attended, the Emerging Society Program (ESP) Committee in conjunction with the ACAAI, presented a full day of lectures, case discussions, and workshops for young allergists selected to attend by their national organizations. The WAO/ACAAI co-sponsored 24 attendees from Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, and China to attend this very popular training program. The program was organized by ESP chair, Dana Wallace, MD, and co-chairs, Ruby Pawankar, MD, and Stan Fineman, MD who welcomed everyone and introduced the day’s agenda. It was such a pleasure to watch the interaction of our esteemed faculty composed of Prof Jeong-Hee Choi, Korea; Prof Orapan Poachanukoon, Thailand; Sang Ha Kim, Korea; Mario Sánchez Borges, Venezuela; Hiok Hee Chng, Singapore; Bee Wah Lee, Singapore; Stanley Fineman, United States; Hugo Van Bever, Singapore; Jio-Yao Wang, Taiwan; Dana Wallace, United States; Steve Tilles, United States; Elham Hossny, Egypt and the young, eager learners. Through a combination of lectures, interactive case discussions, and hands-on demonstrations, we covered the topics of Asthma, COPD, pulmonary function testing, allergic rhinitis, drug allergy, chronic urticaria, and anaphylaxis.  Starting with breakfast and continuing with a buffet lunch, the group had an opportunity for informal discussions and networking. As a bonus for attending and completing the post-conference evaluation, a password protected website section will be made available. This site will host a copy of the PowerPoint slides from all of the presentations, allowing the attendees to review all of the information in more detail. Please find below a few select photos from our WATS program and a list of the attendees.

WATS Course Outline