Hellenic Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EEaKa)

Founded: 1973
Background: Τhe Hellenic Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (HSACI),established in 1973, is the official scientific organization of allergology in Greece. Since 1983 allergology has been a main specialty in accordance with EU directives. The first allergology educational unit was established at Athen’s Laiko Hospital in 1983 & in 1989 at the Aglaia Kyriakou Hospital. Training activities & the ongoing scientific briefing of our members is carried out by HSACI as follows: HSACI has successfully organized 12 panhellenic conferences & lots of symposiums since 1992. In 1997, the EAACI Annual Congress was organized in cooperation with HSACI on Rhodes. HSACI started publishing “Hellenic Allergology and Clinical Immunology”, its official scientific magazine in the 1990s. HSACI’s official website (www.allergy.org.gr) and an additional website aim to provide information to the public. Allergology is a main-specialty for both adults and children which is continually growing and developing in Greece.