Cuban Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

Mission: Our Society works to join all the professionals linked with the diagnosis and treatment of the allergic diseases and to encourage the interchange and their members investigation, to obtain the excellence in the care of the patients with allergic diseases. We are working together to improve the control and prevention of allergic diseases.

Founded: 1948

One of its goals for our society are the academic exchanges with specialist centers and trainings. Therefore, the Society looks for support for courses and grants in countries with advanced technology institutions. We worked in Pediatrics Text book confection and we are continuous working in this way. There are 11 controlled clinical trials on IT, with randomized design, all registered at the Cuban public registry for clinical trials. 9 of them are already finished, while the first on in children is still in progress: a dose –response study by SL route. All of them have used mite vaccines and having asthma as a target. We also have 3 studies on adverse events in IT. We are also working on our own guideline for allergen IT management. Also related, in 2009 and 2012, the Cuban Society of Allergology has endorsed and co-organized, with the Cuban Immunology Society, two international meetings on allergen vaccines.


When the Society was founded in 1948, few professionals were dedicated to the allergy field. With the specialty recognition in 1960 by the present Cuban Ministry of Public Health, the human resources training work started and the first specialists graduated in 1977. From that moment on, new professionals enter every year into the specialty, and the association changed its name into Cuban Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinic Immunology in 2008. Currently, its goal is to incorporate all the specialty professionals, 260 Allergologists existing to date. It also schedules various training courses and events every year.