Cairo, Egypt: 12-13 April 2017
Cairo, Egypt
12-13 April 2017
The WATS Cairo was held April 12-13, 2017 in conjunction with the 13th International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology at the Ramses Hilton Hotel across from the Nile River. This international congress was organized by Prof. Yehia M, El-Gamal, President of the society, and the organizing committee.
The WATS was attended by 31 young and enthusiastic allergists and pediatricians selected from over 60 applicants. The general congress attracted 241 participants from Egypt and surrounding countries. Each WATS lecture was paired with a practical hands-on workshop and included
1) Allergy skin testing and immunotherapy presented by Dr. Dana Wallace;
2) Asthma diagnosis and management presented by Dr. Zeinab A. El-Sayed with assistance from Dr. Eman Fouda;
3) Contact dermatitis: diagnosis and treatment presented by Dr. Mario Sanchez-Borges, and
4) Food allergy and anaphylaxis presented by Dr. Elham Hossny.
All WATS faculty also participated in the International Congress and were honored at the opening ceremony. The WATS faculty were also recognized by 4 different Cairo TV stations with brief informal interviews. Through WAO sponsorship, the WATS participants were invited to a dinner with the Egyptian Society of Pediatric allergists on April 13th.
As you can see from the posted photos, this was a very successful and rewarding experience for all involved. We were also able to capture two WAO TV videos with interviews with Dr. Mario Sanchez-Borges and Dr. Timothy Craig, ACAAI invited speaker for the Egyptian Pediatric Allergy Society. We offer a special thank-you to Dr. Gene Cash, Dr. Wallace’s husband, our WAO “photographer and videographer”.